10 Considerations for Disaster Recovery

Just as you would stock your home with supplies before a hurricane, it's necessary to prepare your IT infrastructure and operations before a proverbial storm hits.

According to Forbes Magazine, there are 10 Things to Consider when it comes to disaster recovery.

A good first step, Forbes suggests, is for businesses to partner with a data center provider. At Codesummit, we leverage the power of Microsoft Azure for clients for its top-notch reliability and security for data management.

With Azure, you can use a litany of products and services to help recover and in many cases prevent disasters from rocking your organization. For example, you can use Azure Backup to restore your data in the Microsoft cloud. It replaces your existing on-premises or off-site backup solution with a cloud-based solution that is reliable, secure, and cost-competitive. 

Fleet Complete, a mobile-workforce-management company, used Azure to continue its operations even after their headquarters was flooded. They were prepared in advance in the event of a disaster with a Disaster Recovery plan. Forbes' article cites "planning for an emergency long before it happens" as the #1 Consideration when it comes to disaster recovery.

Forbes suggests taking a step further in your Disaster Recovery efforts by "enlisting the help of a trusted vendor who can provide an added layer of support during a storm or natural disaster " and suggests adding Business Continuity & DR Software, a Cloud data management platform (such as Azure), and additional data protection through partnering with a solutions provider such as Codesummit, that offers data protection and management solutions to fit your organization's needs. 

By partnering with Codesummit and Microsoft Azure, your IT team will have the resources they need to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Contact us today to find out more.